Fractures: Book One by A Wolfgang Crowe.

Fractures: Book One by A Wolfgang Crowe 01

Fractures: Book One by A Wolfgang Crowe 02

Fractures: Book One by A Wolfgang Crowe 03

“In 2015 A Wolfgang Crowe was the target of a violent homophobic attack while working in his father’s shop. Inspired by that event, his four-part series, Fractures, tells the story of the physical, psychological and legal struggles that continue after cuts heal and bruises fade.”

A4. 48 pages. B&W. Perfect bound.


Release: Fred Noland’s Steady Rollin’.

Red Roland

Steady Rollin’: Preacher’s Kid, Black Punk and Pedaling Papa by Fred Noland.

“Starting as a hardscrabble misfit and minister’s son in the Bible Belt, followed by a stint as a suburban So-Cal Black punk, and onward to bicycle-obsessed, graphic novelist and dad in Oakland, Steady Rollin’ is a portrait of the author in time-lapse. His memoir is composed of vignettes, uncovering his origins as an artist, exploring relationships past and present, ruminating on trauma and loss, and ultimately finding his place in the flow of life. ”

6” x 8”. 220 Pages. Full-colour covers. B+W on cream paper with 32-page full-colour insert at beginning on white paper. Perfect-bound.


Pre-order: 20 km/h by Woshibai.

20 km/h by Woshibai

20 km/h by Woshibai

20 km/h by Woshibai

“How fast can you go in a buggy drawn by the flap of a butterfly’s wings? How do you measure the speed of waking from a dream? Such abstract inquiries into the unrelenting absurdity of contemporary life make up this omnibus of meditative vignettes from one of mainland China’s most prolific and recognizable—yet anonymous—new underground cartoonists of the current generation.”

In store 5/16/2023.

Michael D. Kennedy: Mr. Hardee and MiNT Digital Bundle.

Kennedy Digital Bundle

Kennedy 01

Kennedy 02

Kennedy 03

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Kennedy 05

“Missed out on the print copies of any of these comics? Here they are in a high quality PDF. Featuring the flagship publications of Michael D. Kennedy during the the period of 2014-2022. 388 page pdf.”


For a closer look at the individual titles included, go here:


All print copies of the titles included in the digital bundle are currently sold out in Michael’s web-shop. But there are print copies of Mr. Hardee available at Partners and Sons (US), Gosh comics (UK) and, soon, at All the Problems in this World (Germany).



Pre-order: Together and Apart by Andrew White.

I mentioned Fieldmouse Press’s latest Kickstarter campaign a couple weeks back. I’d like to draw special attention to one of the titles involved: Andrew White’s Together and Apart.

White is such a talented cartoonist. His work is just so subtle and well observed. Bellissimo.

White 01

White 02

White 03

Together and Apart: Biographies of Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, and Georgia O’Keeffe by Andrew White – 296 pg. black and white hardcover.

Three separate biographies connecting three ground-breaking artists, told in their own words. Andrew White brings his gorgeous and lyrical style to a set of biographies that read like a whisper and a song. White adapts the writings and work of these three artists in an active dialogue with the source material of their lives.”

NB. It’s worth noting this is a collection of previously published material, with additions. You can read about it here:


I recently found out Andrew is a graduate of one of Frank Santoro‘s correspondence courses. That fits. It’s the subtlety factor. And the sense of artistic inquiry present in both artist’s work.

Santoro’s old blog is still online, including bits of teaching material. ↓


Release: Sammy the Mouse III / Chapter VI by Zak Sally.


Sammy the Mouse

Sammy the Mouse

“It’s been 10 years (!!!) since the last installment, but here we are. 56 pages on glorious, crappy old newsprint. IT’S A COMIC BOOK, DAMN IT. Cavort with the gang again as they yell, stare, fall on their faces in the dirt, and attempt to resolve long-simmering unknowable conundrums. JUST LIKE REAL LIFE. Will this thing get done by the 20 year mark? Who knows, and who cares; maybe this thing will make you laugh, or cry. You may not love it, but rest assured, it loves YOU. This comic is a co-production of La Mano and Kilgore books.”
