Pre-order: Together and Apart by Andrew White.

I mentioned Fieldmouse Press’s latest Kickstarter campaign a couple weeks back. I’d like to draw special attention to one of the titles involved: Andrew White’s Together and Apart.

White is such a talented cartoonist. His work is just so subtle and well observed. Bellissimo.

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Together and Apart: Biographies of Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, and Georgia O’Keeffe by Andrew White – 296 pg. black and white hardcover.

Three separate biographies connecting three ground-breaking artists, told in their own words. Andrew White brings his gorgeous and lyrical style to a set of biographies that read like a whisper and a song. White adapts the writings and work of these three artists in an active dialogue with the source material of their lives.”

NB. It’s worth noting this is a collection of previously published material, with additions. You can read about it here:


I recently found out Andrew is a graduate of one of Frank Santoro‘s correspondence courses. That fits. It’s the subtlety factor. And the sense of artistic inquiry present in both artist’s work.

Santoro’s old blog is still online, including bits of teaching material. ↓


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