- Alternative-comics.com is dedicated to showcasing the best new (and not so new) publications, prints, merch, artwork and news from the world of alternative & art comics.
- Feedback, submissions, news, thoughts, rants, etc. are always welcome. Please send them to devin[at]alternative-comics[dot]com
- To submit a comic for showcase, send 2 – 6 fair sized sequential sample pages in a common image format to the above email address. Alternatively, you can send a download link to a pdf of the full comic from which sample pages can be extracted. Please also include a short description of the work, number of pages, etc. and a link to your website and preferred sales platform. Unfortunately, alternative-comics.com only considers English language works.
- A very concise definition of alternative comics can be found on the Alt. Comix Subreddit Wiki. To quote:
Alternative comics (aka “alt comics” or “alt comix”) are, in the broadest sense, comics that stand apart from mass market values, in terms of subject matter, form, and/or mode of distribution. It’s something of a nebulous concept, and there isn’t a universal consensus about the specifics of what the term encompasses. Much of the work associated with the term seeks to subvert expectations, challenge societal values, or deconstruct/re-appropriate facets of popular media. Other features that tend to characterize the phenomenon include being created by a single auteur (rather than a separate writer and artist), not fitting neatly into a classic genre (despite often playing with genre tropes), and being motivated by authentic self-expression, more than commercial concerns. Cartoonists themselves may or may not identify with the term – many resist such labelling as reductive – but the definition of what is “alternative” is generally based on readers’ interests and expectations rather than creators’ self-designation.
©2022, u/Titus_Bird and u/steve___. This work is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 Int’l license.
- Sidebar illustration / site logo by E.s.chaton. Repeating background sampled from Dal Tokyo #63, ©1984, Gary Panter.