Two manga Kickstarters from Glacier Bay Books.

PANDORA by Hagiwara Rei

PANDORA by Hagiwara Rei.

“Five meditations on grief receding into memory, phantoms of traumas past but not yet forgotten, people struggling to make peace with loss. Hagiwara Rei sets out a sequential tapestry of transcendent watercolor comics which linger in the back of your mind like words you never got to tell someone you loved. Heart-wrenching, intimate. Open Pandora and allow its haunted pages a home in your soul.”

Read an extract on TCJ.


Mothers by Kusahara Umi.

“For josei & seinen comics lovers … MOTHERS is Kusahara Umi’s debut English title, collecting and translating 15 years worth of self-published short stories developed on themes of love, family, and loss. This Kickstarter is to help fund the printing of this new 260+ page book.”
